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Poetry in the Age of Science of Reading
Poetry and other rhythmical texts offer unique advantages and opportunities for teachers and children in reading instruction.
The Coaching Notebook: Your Important End of Year Reflection Tool
A coaching notebook is a powerful reflection tool to consider the year’s accomplishments and determine goals for the upcoming school year.
Embracing the Sciences of Reading: What Every Literacy Teacher Needs to Know
A foundational expectation for every literacy teacher is a strong understanding of the content of the alphabetic system.
Good and Beautiful and Kind
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series featured speaker Afrika Afeni Mills highlights how characters on screen and paper broadened her perspective.
Summer 2023: Online Graduate Courses
Take advantage of the summer to enhance your career and literacy expertise!
Three Ways Coaches Can Support Teacher Planning
Improve teacher decision making through three key coaching moves.
Summer 2023: Professional Development for Literacy Educators and School Leaders
Make the most of your summer! Check out these literacy professional development opportunities.
Playing with Letters, Sounds, and Words: Lessons Learned from Four Year-Olds
Cindy Downend, our associate director of primary literacy programs, highlights her experiences helping the earliest readers with letters and sounds.
What Is Textured Teaching and why is it important?
In several states in the United States, talking about race and racism is currently restricted in one way or another. In the year 2023, not 1950. So how will those of us who are committed anti-biased and anti-racist teachers proceed? With conviction and vigor.
Make Room for Meaning: How Decoding and Meaning Go Hand-in-hand
Research indicates that emergent readers need both code-based (phonics) and meaning-based (context) strategies to successfully solve the high volume of words needed to read English.