Take advantage of the summer to enhance your career and literacy expertise!
By enrolling in our 8-week online graduate courses, you have the flexibility to study when and where you want. You’ll learn in a virtual community that supports you, with interactive elements like chats and discussion forums that keep you connected. With access to the latest online learning tools and educational resources, you can feel confident that you’re getting everything a Lesley University education has to offer.
SUMMER TERM I: May 15 – July 9, 2023
Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling in the Reading & Writing Classroom in Grades K-3
In this course, you’ll expand your knowledge of how words work and you’ll learn how to support English learners and students who have difficulty learning to read and write. You’ll learn about instruction in phonics, phonological awareness, vocabulary, spelling, and word study for children in grades K-3.
Intentional Teaching in a Writers’ Workshop for Grades 3-8
In writers’ workshop, students learn the writer’s craft and how to use writing for effective learning and communication. As a teacher in a writers’ workshop, you guide students through interactive and independent writing, minilessons, and topic investigations. Learn how to assess and plan instruction for all students.
Shared Leadership for School Improvement (Grades PreK-8)
Learn how to lead productive literacy leadership teams, create a culture of collaboration, trust, and respect in your school, and study the importance of developing long-term systemic school improvement.

SUMMER TERM II: July 10 – September 3, 2023
Intentional Teaching in a Readers’ Workshop for Grades K-2
Use readers’ workshop to develop your students’ reading power and appreciation for texts. In this online course for K-2 teachers, learn the purpose, organization, and process of a readers’ workshop.
Intentional Teaching in a Readers’ Workshop for Grades 3-8
In this online course, learn how the framework of the readers’ workshop supports the development of the reading process in individual students grades 3-8.

What Teachers Need to Understand About the Alphabetic System: Phonics & Spelling (Grades PreK-8)
Develop knowledge of the alphabetic system so you are prepared to address the learning needs of all students including English learners. This course examines principles of effective phonics instruction related to the complexity and structure of language.