Customized Literacy Professional Learning

Our expertise, tailor-made for you.
We offer a variety of professional learning options to support your specific school or district needs.
Our Center faculty will partner with you to design customized professional learning, workshops, and other job-embedded learning opportunities for educators, facilitated in-person or virtually.
We work with groups of classroom teachers, literacy coaches, interventionists, and administrators.
- Classroom Teachers, Interventionists, & Specialists
- Literacy Coaches & Teacher Leaders
- District & School Leaders
- Others in your school or district
We offer tailor made packages for short-term and long-term professional learning that include, but are not limited to:
- Multi-day professional learning series
- Full-day and half-day professional learning sessions
- Job-embedded coaching
- Data analysis and creating a vision and plan for literacy teaching and learning
- Consultations for problem-solving
- Implementation audits
- Support for coaches and teacher leaders
- District or school improvement planning
Professional learning can be delivered in-person at your school or virtually.
All packages include an initial planning call with Lesley University, a debrief meeting for future planning, and a summary report of evaluations.
Our ultimate goal is to work with you to design a customized solution that suits your specific goals and needs.
Alternatively, we can deliver any of our regular trainings in your school district.
Popular Topics:
Classroom Teachers, Interventionists, and Specialists
- Word Study—Teaching Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling: A comprehensive training for teachers on the role that explicit phonics, phonological awareness, vocabulary, spelling, and word study play in teaching students to read in grades K-3 or grades 3-8.
- Introduction to Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™: This 2-day professional learning introduces a comprehensive system for authentic literacy learning in classrooms. It includes explicit phonics and spelling instruction and a focus on building content and literary knowledge in reading and writing. This training is customized to meet the needs of your school in grades PreK-6.
- Introduction to Writing Minilessons: A 2-day professional learning during which you will learn how to create and facilitate a structured writers’ workshop to create a community of active, engaged writers, grades K-5.
- Introduction to Reading Minilessons: A 2-day professional learning during which you will how to develop students’ deep knowledge of literacy concepts through a structured readers’ workshop, grades K-6.
- Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) Training: In this 6-day institute, learn how to provide small-group, supplementary literacy intervention that includes systematic, explicit phonics instruction as well as daily reading and writing to boost literacy for the lowest-achieving students in grades K-2 or grades 3-8.
- Benchmark Assessment Systems 1 & 2 Seminar: A 2-day literacy assessment training for groups of grades K-2 or grades 3-8 teachers.
- The Literacy Continuum Institute: A 4-day institute for teachers where you’ll learn how to use The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum as a resource to teach reading, writing, phonics, and language skills in grades K-2 or grades 3-8.
- Guided Reading: Responsive Teaching: A 5-day training for teachers and literacy educators on how to plan for and evaluate small group lessons in grades K-2 or grades 3-8.
- Literacy Beginnings—A Pre-Kindergarten Institute to Guide Teaching: A 3 to 4-day institute on literacy teaching for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten teachers.
- When Readers Struggle—Teaching that Works: A 3-day professional learning event for teachers who work with young students who find reading and writing difficult.
Literacy Coaches and Teacher Leaders
- Effective Literacy Coaching: An institute that will help you understand your role as a literacy coach and prepare you to coach teachers at your school (10 days spread over several months).
- Teacher Leaders for Literacy: An institute for teacher leaders and coaches who want to expand their knowledge on reading and writing instruction to help their colleagues (10 days spread over several months).
District and School Leaders
- Leading for Literacy: A 4-day institute for school principals, administrators, and school leaders to support coherent literacy teaching and teamwork in grades K-6.
- Literacy Leadership Team Institute: An institute for establishing and developing school leadership teams that focus on school quality.