Featured Professional Learning Opportunities
See All Upcoming Professional DevelopmentLiteracy Coaching Essentials
K-8Do you aspire to make the most of data to help improve student outcomes? Join Heather and Linda to refine your skills and expand your ability to use data in every aspect of your work with teachers.
Leading for Literacy: What Every School Leader Needs to Know
K-6In this 4-day training for school principals and administrators, learn how to support literacy teaching in grades K–6. Learn how to improve student literacy outcomes by developing a coherent vision for literacy and a vibrant school culture that supports teamwork and continuous professional learning.
The Genre of Testing: How To Set Your Students Up For Success!
3-8In this two-day training, learn how to help students understand testing as a genre so they can confidently meet the challenges of standardized testing and experience success.
Over 30 Years of Academic Excellence in Literacy Learning
The Center for Reading Recovery & Literacy Collaborative at Lesley University has been engaged in thirty years of innovative, research-based, system-wide educational improvement efforts. We are focused on a single mission—to ensure that every child has the opportunity to live a literate life.
We have been working with educators in school systems to improve children’s literacy.
Learning to be Literate: Grappling with the Complexities of Teaching Literacy
In advance of her Oct. 24 presentation, Paugh’s blog entry explains the four essential dimensions to literacy instruction.
Unlocking Potential: Strategies for Effective Reading Interventions
Effective literacy intervention isn’t just about what you teach; it’s about how you teach it – read on for strategies that yield remarkable results.
A Teacher’s Guide to Foster a love of Reading and Writing
Fostering a love for reading and writing in students is one of the most rewarding goals a literacy teacher can achieve. Read on to find out how to inspire your students.