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Playing with Letters, Sounds, and Words: Lessons Learned from Four Year-Olds

March 8, 2023 Cindy Downend, Associate Director of Literacy Programs

Cindy Downend, our associate director of primary literacy programs, highlights her experiences helping the earliest readers with letters and sounds.

What Is Textured Teaching and why is it important?

February 28, 2023 Lorena Escoto Germán, Educator & Author

In several states in the United States, talking about race and racism is currently restricted in one way or another. In the year 2023, not 1950. So how will those of us who are committed anti-biased and anti-racist teachers proceed? With conviction and vigor.

Make Room for Meaning: How Decoding and Meaning Go Hand-in-hand

February 24, 2023 Wendy Vaulton, Associate Director for Reading Recovery and Early Interventions

Research indicates that emergent readers need both code-based (phonics) and meaning-based (context) strategies to successfully solve the high volume of words needed to read English.

6 Tips for Effective Leveled Literacy Intervention Implementation

February 17, 2023 Nikki Drury, Literacy Trainer

With intentional planning, you can ensure Leveled Literacy Intervention instruction will have a powerful impact on student achievement.

Tags: Intervention

4 Easy Tips for Efficient, Effective Interactive Writing Lessons

February 1, 2023 Gen Arcovio, Literacy Trainer

Interactive writing is an engaging way to build children’s understandings of sounds, letters, words and how they all work together to create a meaningful message. What are some ways you have made your interactive writing lessons effective and efficient?

Tags: Teaching

Developing Justice-Oriented Readers

December 21, 2022 Allison Briceño, Associate Professor & Author

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series featured speaker Allison Briceño breaks down ways teachers can use justice questions to develop justice-oriented readers.

Spring 2023: Online Graduate Courses

December 15, 2022 Spring 2023 Online Graduate Courses

By enrolling in an online graduate course, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace!

Tags: Latest News

Teaching Phonemic Awareness Through Interactive Writing in Ten Minutes a Day

December 5, 2022 Cindy Downend, Associate Director of Literacy Programs

Include 10 minutes a day of interactive writing in the kindergarten and first grade curriculum and notice gains in children’s phonemic awareness.

Tags: Teaching

Creating Effective Anchor Charts in Your Minilessons 

November 14, 2022 Nikki Drury, Literacy Trainer

Anchor charts have many benefits for learners of all ages. Here are three characteristics about creating effective anchor charts that will support your students in developing a strong sense of ownership in their learning.

Tags: Teaching

Developing Empathetic Thinking

October 9, 2022 Gravity Goldberg, Author & Consultant

Author and consultant Gravity Goldberg shares four ways you can work on developing your own empathetic thinking and also support this in students.

Upcoming Professional Development

March 10, 2025

Phonological Awareness: What Is It and Why Is It Important? (Complimentary Webinar)

This hour-long complimentary webinar will clarify what phonological awareness is and how it is essential to children’s reading and writing development.

Complimentary Webinar
February 10, 2025

Why is Everyone Avoiding Me? Problem-Solving for Literacy Coaches (Complimentary Webinar)

In this 1-hour webinar, examine the reasons why teachers may be reluctant to participate in coaching and identify strategies to overcome these challenges.

Complimentary Webinar
February 11-12, 2025

Early Literacy Success: Building Language, Sounds, and Print Knowledge in PreK

Children in PreK come to school with many different experiences with language, sounds, and print. This two-day workshop will bring to life what very young learners need to know and understand about letters, sounds, and words and how you can support their learning by building on what they already understand.

$595 includes professional text

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