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6 Tips for Effective Leveled Literacy Intervention Implementation
With intentional planning, you can ensure Leveled Literacy Intervention instruction will have a powerful impact on student achievement.
4 Easy Tips for Efficient, Effective Interactive Writing Lessons
Interactive writing is an engaging way to build children’s understandings of sounds, letters, words and how they all work together to create a meaningful message. What are some ways you have made your interactive writing lessons effective and efficient?
Developing Justice-Oriented Readers
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series featured speaker Allison Briceño breaks down ways teachers can use justice questions to develop justice-oriented readers.
Spring 2023: Online Graduate Courses
By enrolling in an online graduate course, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace!
Teaching Phonemic Awareness Through Interactive Writing in Ten Minutes a Day
Include 10 minutes a day of interactive writing in the kindergarten and first grade curriculum and notice gains in children’s phonemic awareness.
Creating Effective Anchor Charts in Your Minilessons
Anchor charts have many benefits for learners of all ages. Here are three characteristics about creating effective anchor charts that will support your students in developing a strong sense of ownership in their learning.
Developing Empathetic Thinking
Author and consultant Gravity Goldberg shares four ways you can work on developing your own empathetic thinking and also support this in students.
A is for Assessment: Considerations for linking assessment and instruction
How do we uncover the kinds and degrees of support that will be most effective for individual students? Our best shot starts with assessment that is authentic, asset-based, actionable, and anti-racist.
Engaging Hearts and Minds Through Purposeful Talk
Create conditions and supports for engaging hearts and minds in ways that build depth of meaning making, compassion, and critical process for all students, including our youngest learners.
Focus on Phonics: Five Tips for a Successful Beginning with Phonics, Spelling and Word Study Lessons
Daily systematic explicit phonics instruction is essential for students to learn how to read effectively. Consider these five pointers for organizing your time and materials from the Fountas & Pinnell Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study Systems.