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Video: Debra’s Story—What does literacy mean to me?
To celebrate we’re featuring stories from educators who are passionate about literacy. Thank you Debra for sharing your story!
A New Kind of Virtual Coaching Cycle
While content coaching cycles can never replace classroom coaching cycles, they offer new opportunities to partner together around shared teacher learning and can be an important first step to deeper, more intense collaboration in the classroom, either in-person or virtually.
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you…
Getting to know every child as an individual requires intention, observation, and inquiry. The fundamentals of good assessment still apply.
Are You Ready to Listen?
As literacy coaches, we want to build relationships, empower teachers, and foster collaborative learning environments. So why do we often end up listening to respond instead of listening to understand?
Coaching in Challenging Times
Savvy coaches see every interaction as a chance to build trust and “grow” a partnership.
Keys to Assuring a Standardized Comprehension Conversation with the Benchmark Assessment System
As you use the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System, consider these suggestions.
The Softer Side of School Improvement
Soft data is a powerhouse for improvement because it gives an authentic, real-time look at what educators and students understand and can do.
Remote Learning: Communicating with Parents & Caregivers
Communicating clearly and concisely about the supports parents and caregivers can provide to children is key.
Choose Wisely! Qualities and Dispositions of a Literacy Coach & Teacher Leader
Identifying an educator to train as a literacy coach is among one of the most important decisions a building principal has to make.
Text Levels – Tool or Trouble?
Highly effective teaching provides a range of opportunities with different texts for different purposes.