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Bridging Languages and Building Literacy: Helping Multilingual Learners Thrive
Multilingual learners are taking on the dual challenge of learning a new language while also acquiring literacy. By taking small, intentional steps, teachers can effectively bridge the gap between students’ current knowledge and the new skills they are developing, creating a solid foundation for their literacy growth.
AI for Educators
How do we leverage AI’s capabilities to improve educational processes, and also maintain the human elements of teaching and learning? Our next Reaching All Learners Guest Speaker, Melanie Meehan, has some tips.
Planting the Seeds of Literacy: Cultivating Learning in PreK Centers
Teaching children how to use books and other literacy resources in play centers helps children naturally integrate the use of print, writing, and new vocabulary into their natural flow of play.
Literacy Coaching Toward Teacher Empowerment and Resilience
Observations and four key ideas that emerged from a group of experienced literacy coaches who brainstormed ways to work toward fostering teacher empowerment in the new year.
Reaching All Learners by Partnering Thoughtfully With Families
The next speaker in our Reaching All Learners Series, Nawal Qarooni, offers three tips on how to collaborate in meaningful ways with the families of our students.
Celebrating the Season: New and Diverse Holiday Books for the PK–6 Classroom
Read on to discover some fantastic books about the holidays to bring diversity into your classroom this season.
Reading Aloud to Children: The Future is in Our Hands
Research shows that reading aloud to children is the one of the best ways to encourage a literate life.
Navigating Standardized Assessment: Approaching Testing as a Genre
Standardized testing is a reality in our students’ lives. Are you wondering how you can support your students in demonstrating all they know on the test but not stop the rich, ongoing literacy instruction months before the test?
Learning to be Literate: Grappling with the Complexities of Teaching Literacy
In advance of her Oct. 24 presentation, Paugh’s blog entry explains the four essential dimensions to literacy instruction.
Unlocking Potential: Strategies for Effective Reading Interventions
Effective literacy intervention isn’t just about what you teach; it’s about how you teach it – read on for strategies that yield remarkable results.