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We Are Writers: A Kindergarten Journey

Literacy trainer Heather Rodman reflects on her conversations with a literacy coach in Ardsley Union Free School District, NY. Find out what contributed to these kindergarteners’ identity, agency, and independence as writers.

How to Teach Writing with Mentor Texts

What about teaching writing with mentor texts makes it essential to have in your teaching repertoire? Summer Literacy Institute guest speaker and blogger Carl Anderson breaks down the steps.

Good and Beautiful and Kind

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series featured speaker Afrika Afeni Mills highlights how characters on screen and paper broadened her perspective.

What Is Textured Teaching and why is it important?

In several states in the United States, talking about race and racism is currently restricted in one way or another. In the year 2023, not 1950. So how will those of us who are committed anti-biased and anti-racist teachers proceed? With conviction and vigor.

4 Easy Tips for Efficient, Effective Interactive Writing Lessons

Interactive writing is an engaging way to build children’s understandings of sounds, letters, words and how they all work together to create a meaningful message. What are some ways you have made your interactive writing lessons effective and efficient?

Developing Justice-Oriented Readers

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series featured speaker Allison Briceño breaks down ways teachers can use justice questions to develop justice-oriented readers.