Foundational skill learning does not end in primary grades. Students in grades 3-6 require ongoing instruction in phonics, spelling and word study.
Three Reasons Why a Writer’s Notebook is an Important Tool for Writers
Encouraging your students to keep a writer’s notebook can nourish their informational and literary writing all year.
Inviting Writers Into the Process: Three Strategies for Increasing Access
Author & Elementary Writing Coordinator Melanie Meehan explains how she makes the writing process more accessible to students who are struggling.
Trusting Emergent Readers
Literacy consultants Hannah Schneewind & Jennifer Scoggin discuss the importance of developing students’ reading identities.
Restorative Reading for Educators
Enhance the reading experience to soothe the body, spark the mind, and connect readers together.
Getting to Know Your Readers
Observational assessment, in the form of a benchmark reading conference, is a good way to begin the journey of teaching literacy in the new school year.
A World of Songs, Poems, and Nursery Rhymes
Have you considered the many benefits of using songs, nursery rhymes, and poetry in your classroom? Here are some recommendations as you get started.
Teaching Readers (Not Reading): Peter Afflerbach Discusses the Role of Motivation, Engagement, and Metacognition
Looking back on the recent Summer Literacy Institute at Lesley University, researcher and educator Dr. Peter Afflerbach discussed the importance of instruction that moves beyond skills and strategies.
Carl Anderson: Teaching with Mentor Texts
Reflecting on the recent Summer Literacy Institute at Lesley University, educator and author Carl Anderson spoke about how a well-crafted text can model strong writing for students.
Word Study: Pairing Joy and Purpose with Pam Koutrakos
Looking back at the recent Summer Literacy Institute at Lesley University, educator and author Pam Koutrakos discussed how to combine joy and purpose while teaching word study.