Phonics and More: Science-Aligned Literacy Teaching and Learning

Summer Literacy Institute
Join us for this four-day institute featuring Peter Afflerbach, Carl Anderson, Pam Koutrakos, Tim Rasinski, and the CRRLC literacy trainers, Gen Arcovio, Cindy Downend, Nikki Drury, Linda Murphy, Heather Rodman, and Wendy Vaulton.
Examine the art and science of literacy teaching and learning and how to responsively meet the needs of all learners.
Come to Lesley University or join virtually!
- District & School Leadership
- Literacy Coaches & Teacher Leaders
- Classroom Teachers & Interventionists
- Additional fees and materials required for graduate credit. See the “Policies & Graduate Option” tab.
- Literacy Collaborative Affiliation Discount Available
- Group discounts available! Email to inquire.
Phonics and More: Science-Aligned Teaching and Learning
During this four-day institute, you will hear from leading educational practitioners and researchers. Each morning will begin with a nationally renowned speaker sharing his or her thoughts about the science and art of literacy teaching and learning. Afternoon sessions will extend upon each morning’s topic, with Center trainers working closely with you to think about practical ways to implement each speaker’s thinking and research into your teaching.
Guest speakers (Afflerbach, Anderson, Koutrakos, and Rasinski) will appear via Zoom. Lesley CRRLC faculty will be in-person at Lesley University.
Day 1: The Art and Science of Teaching Reading with Tim Rasinski
Great teachers must be artists and scientists at the same time. Dr. Rasinski will describe the key elements of the Art of Teaching Reading and show you how to teach the scientific reading competencies in artful ways. With him, you will examine the major scientific domains of reading instruction including:
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics/Word Decoding
- Vocabulary
- Fluency
- Comprehension
Day 2: Recalibrating Word Study: Explicit, Systematic, and Responsive Practices with Pam Koutrakos
What if classroom word study was explicit, systematic, and responsive? In this interactive session, you’ll investigate what happens when we use a range of methods for exploring, studying, and analyzing words. During this session, you will discuss daily learning experiences spotlighting letters, sounds, patterns, and parts, and consider how to:
- Nurture curiosities about words
- Support student understanding of the “why” behind words
- Build proficiency in word analysis
- Use mentor texts, peer collaboration, and rich conversation to heighten learning experiences
- Work within and beyond the minutes earmarked for word study to encourage knowledge transfer
- Use instruction, feedback, and tools to foster application
Day 3: Teach Writing with Mentor Texts! with Carl Anderson
In this workshop, Carl Anderson will explain how to use mentor texts to teach students the craft of writing in any genre. You’ll learn about:
- What it means to “read like a writer”
- Strategies for “immersing” (or familiarizing) students with mentor texts at the beginning of a unit of study
- How to do whole-class craft study
- How to teach with mentor texts in mini-lessons and small group lessons
- Taking on the special challenges of conferring with mentor texts
Day 4: Teaching Readers Not Reading, with Peter Afflerbach
This presentation will focus on teaching readers and draw on the broad sciences of reading, moving beyond strategy and skill instruction to focus on powerful factors that influence reading development, including:
- Metacognition
- Motivation and engagement
- Self-efficacy
While cognitive skill and strategy are requisite for reading development and success, they do not account for all that must be “working” for students to succeed. We will examine the above factors and their interactions in relation to instruction that helps us address students’ individual differences and move from teaching reading to teaching readers. Participants will walk away with the tools and information to be advocates for positive change.
Registration includes a copy of The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum, Second Edition.
You’ll earn 24 professional development hours in this institute. There is also an option to complete this institute for graduate credits (2 or 3 credits). Please check the “Policies & Graduate Credit Option” tab for more details.
Peter Afflerbach
Peter Afflerbach is Professor of Education at the University of Maryland at College Park. Dr. Afflerbach has served on numerous national and international committees and tasks forces related to literacy and literacy assessment and was elected to the International Literacy Association’s Reading Hall of Fame in 2009. Peter is the author of Teaching readers (Not reading): Moving beyond skills and strategies to reader-focused instruction (2022), and Understanding and Using Reading Assessment, K-12 (2018). He is a founding editor of the journal Metacognition and Learning and has published in many other scholarly journals. Peter served as a Chapter 1 remedial reading teacher, reading and writing teacher in middle school, and high school English teacher, and is a proud graduate of New York City Public Schools.
Carl Anderson
Carl Anderson is an internationally recognized expert in writing instruction for grades K-8 and works as a consultant in schools and districts around the world. Carl is the author of numerous books on teaching writing, including the brand new A Teacher’s Guide to Mentor Texts K-5, A Teacher’s Guide to Writing Conferences K-8, as well as the best-selling How’s It Going? A Practical Guide to Conferring with Student Writers. Carl is known for his keynote addresses, PD workshops, school-based residencies, and webinars.
Pam Koutrakos
Pam Koutrakos is an experienced educator who has worked as a teacher, literacy coach, instructional coach, and consultant. She is the author of Word Study That Sticks: Best Practices K-6, The Word Study That Sticks Companion: Classroom-Ready Tools for Teachers and Students, K-6, and Mentor Texts That Multitask: A Less-Is-More Approach to Integrated Literacy Instruction, K-8. Pam has blogged for ILA, NCTE, CCIRA, Learning Without Tears, MiddleWeb, Gravity Goldberg LLC, Two Writing Teachers, and Corwin Connect. She regularly presents at conferences and events across the country.
Timothy Rasinski
Timothy Rasinski is a professor of literacy education at Kent State University and director of its award-winning reading clinic. He also holds the Rebecca Tolle and Burton W. Gorman Endowed Chair in Educational Leadership. Dr. Rasinski has written over 250 articles and has authored, co-authored or edited over 50 books or curriculum programs on reading education. He is the author of the best-selling books on reading fluency, The Fluent Reader and The Megabook of Fluency. His research was cited by the National Reading Panel and he was identified by Stanford University as one of the top 2% of scientists in the world. In 2010, Tim was elected to the International Reading Hall of Fame. Tim spent several years as an elementary and middle school classroom and reading intervention teacher in Omaha, Nebraska, and is a veteran of the United States armed forces.
You may choose to attend this training in-person at Lesley University or virtually in real time. Should any of the conditions change and it is determined the training will be offered virtually only, you will be notified as soon as possible. We recommend that you contact us before reserving travel and lodging.
If you choose to attend in-person, the training room will have Lesley University’s HyFlex Classroom Technology to support an engaging learning environment for in-person and virtual participants. If you have questions about in-person or virtual attendance, please email us at
In-person participants are required to follow the Lesley safety protocols noted on the “Policies & Graduate Credit Option” tab.
Required Materials
If you’re taking this institute for noncredit, you will receive The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum, Second Edition.
If you’re registering for graduate credit, you will receive a copy of The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum, Second Edition. In addition, you are required to have access to two additional books:
- A Teacher’s Guide to Mentor Texts, K-5 by Carl Anderson
- Teaching Readers (Not Reading): Moving Beyond Skills and Strategies to Reader-Focused Instruction by Peter Afflerbach
The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum will be shipped to the designated address you provided upon registration after a purchase order or payment is processed.
Graduate Credit Option
Both course sections (for primary & intermediate/middle school) can be taken for either 2 or 3 credits.
To register for graduate credit, there are two registration and payment processes:
- Register through the link found on this page. You’ll be prompted to pay the fee of $100 for the required professional text.
- Email for details about how to complete the second registration and payment process (additional graduate credit costs below).
Graduate Credit Costs
- 2 graduate credit option: $1,650* ($750/credit + $25/credit comprehensive fee + $100 for The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum), plus cost of 2 additional required texts
- 3 graduate credit option: $2,425* ($750/credit + $25/credit comprehensive fee + $100 for The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum), plus cost of 2 additional required texts
- Tuition discounts
*All fees subject to change.
Cancellation Deadline & Refund Policies
You must cancel your registration no later than two weeks before the first day of training to get a full refund. If you cancel your registration within the two weeks prior to the first day of training, you will be charged a $50 processing fee. Email if you have a cancellation or substitution request. Regardless of weather conditions, if the event is held but you cannot attend, you will be billed for the full amount.
Graduate credit
Review the university’s cancellation and refund policies for credit-bearing courses.
Registration Deadline & Shipping Policies
The registration portal closes two business days before the first day of training to allow the minimum amount of time to ship additional training materials (if applicable).
If you register within two weeks before the registration portal closes, you may incur additional fees for expedited shipping. You may still experience delays in receiving your materials.
Requirements for Participation
After the training, you will receive a certificate of attendance for your participation. To receive a complete certificate, participation during the specified times is required. Additional work may be assigned to meet the professional development hours.
COVID-19 Protocols
At this point in time, participants who have opted to come to Lesley University for the in-person format of professional learning must be prepared to follow the University’s COVID-19 protocols before and during the event.
- You must be “up to date on vaccinations” as defined by the CDC.
- Refrain from coming to campus if you are feeling COVID-19 symptoms. If you are feeling sick, symptomatic, or test positive for COVID-19, please stay home and email to switch your registration to virtual.
- Masks are highly recommended indoors, but not required at this time. If there is a mask requirement for the event you are attending, our team will communicate this decision.
- Please read the Lesley University’s COVID-19 protocols are designed to protect the health and safety of our community.