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May 13 @ 9:00 am July 7 @ 3:30 pm

Shared Leadership for School Improvement

Learn how to advocate for your school’s vision of literacy teaching and learning.

In this 8-week online graduate course for coaches and teacher leaders, you’ll learn how to promote a culture of shared leadership that can energize school teams.

May 13 – July 7, 2024 (Summer Term I)
Number of Days:
8 weeks
Grade Levels:
Leadership & Coaching
  • District & School Leadership
  • Literacy Coaches & Teacher Leaders
  • Classroom Teachers & Interventionists
Must be taken for graduate credit
Online Graduate Course
$2,325 ($750/credit + $25/credit comprehensive fee) + required texts
  • Course: EEDUC 6406-80
  • Fees are subject to change
Course Descriptions & Outcomes
Cancellation Deadlines & Refund Policies

In their roles, literacy coaches and teacher leaders must be prepared to promote literacy teaching, mentor colleagues, facilitate a variety of meetings, and communicate with stakeholders. In this online course, we’ll explore how to take on this leadership role.

Learn how to lead productive literacy leadership teams, create a culture of collaboration, trust, and respect in your school, and study the importance of developing long-term systemic school improvement.

By enrolling in an online graduate course, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace with the support of a virtual community and have access to a variety of educational resources and materials at your convenience. 

Course Outcomes 

  • Examine essential elements that support the development of professional capital and long-term school improvement 
  • Cultivate a culture of collaboration, trust, and respect 
  • Facilitate conversations with sensitivity to gender, race, ethnicity, and culture across the school 
  • Lead and sustain the work of school leadership teams to support the school’s vision for teaching and learning 
  • Manage and lead data analysis with the leadership team 
  • Use data to tell stories and communicate with stakeholders 
  • Examine the opportunities for teacher leadership within the school or district 
  • Develop a plan to work with administrators, teams, and stakeholders to increase leadership opportunities and build professional capital 

Required Texts

You are responsible for purchasing/having access to the following professional texts for this course:

  • Aguilar, E. (2016). The art of coaching teams: Building resilient communities that transform schools.  Jossey-Bass.
  • Hargreaves, A., & Fullan, M. (2012). Professional capital: Transforming teaching in every school. Teachers College Press.
  • James-Ward, C., Fisher, D., Frey, N., & Lapp, D. (2013). Using data to focus instructional improvement.  Association for Curriculum and Development.
  • Learning Forward. (2011). Standards for professional learning. Author.

This option must be taken for 3 graduate credits. Take the course individually or as a required course in our 12-credit Online Graduate Certificate in Literacy Coaching and Teacher Leadership.

Nikki Drury, Literacy Trainer

Nikki worked as a literacy coach and teacher in public school for many years before joining the Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative as an Intermediate Trainer. She has experience as a primary and intermediate classroom teacher and literacy instructional coach at the intermediate level. Over the years, she has worked with students, educators, and administrators to improve literacy outcomes.


Interested in professional learning at your school or district? Schedule a meeting with one of our trainers.