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Intervening for Success: Getting Results with the Lowest Achieving First Graders
Learn more about leveraging state, federal, and local dollars for effective intervention to improve schools, communities, and the lives of children.
Introduction to Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™
This 2-day training introduces a system for teaching students that creates authentic experiences in reading, thinking, talking, writing, and reflecting.
Joyful Beginnings in PreK & Kindergarten: Play Based Language & Literacy Learning
In this 2-day training, explore how to create a playful, literacy-rich prekindergarten or kindergarten classroom.
Leading for Literacy: Part Two
In this 2-day intensive seminar, build on your previous work from the 4-day Leading for Literacy seminar (School Leaders Seminar) with central office and school-based educators.
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: 2022 Summer Literacy Institute
Register for this four-day Summer Literacy Institute, featuring Liz Kleinrock!
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: Gholdy Muhammad
Join us for a one-day workshop with Gholdy Muhammad.
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: Chris Hass
Join us for the first event in our Kids, Books, and Anti-Racism series.
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series 2022
This series is designed to deepen your understanding of how to cultivate anti-bias and anti-racist practices in classrooms and schools.
On-Demand Sessions: 32nd Annual Literacy for All Conference
Access 80 on-demand conference sessions from nationally renowned literacy and Reading Recovery experts.
Building Capacity through Continuous Professional Learning
In this 8-week online graduate course, learn how to create a healthy culture of professional learning in your school.