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Grades K-6
Joyful Beginnings in PreK & Kindergarten: Play Based Language & Literacy Learning
In this 2-day training, explore how to create a playful, literacy-rich prekindergarten or kindergarten classroom.
Leading for Literacy: Part Two
In this 2-day intensive seminar, build on your previous work from the 4-day Leading for Literacy seminar (School Leaders Seminar) with central office and school-based educators.
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: 2022 Summer Literacy Institute
Register for this four-day Summer Literacy Institute, featuring Liz Kleinrock!
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: Gholdy Muhammad
Join us for a one-day workshop with Gholdy Muhammad.
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: Chris Hass
Join us for the first event in our Kids, Books, and Anti-Racism series.
Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series 2022
This series is designed to deepen your understanding of how to cultivate anti-bias and anti-racist practices in classrooms and schools.
On-Demand Sessions: 32nd Annual Literacy for All Conference
Access 80 on-demand conference sessions from nationally renowned literacy and Reading Recovery experts.
Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Systems 1 & 2 Seminar
In this 2-day training, learn how to use the Benchmark Assessment System to inform your teaching.
Leading for Literacy: What Every School Leader Needs to Know
In this 4-day training for school principals and administrators, learn how to support literacy teaching in grades K–6.
Literacy Collaborative Training
Training is held online through a combination of live, interactive sessions and on-demand learning. Participants apply what they learn and receive job-embedded coaching from Lesley University faculty as part of their coursework.