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Grades K-6
Visionary Leadership for California Educators
In this 1-hour webinar for California educators, you will understand how to use observation tools to refresh and reimagine the professional learning possibilities in your school.
Literacy for All Annual Conference
Nationally renowned literacy and Reading Recovery conference for PreK-8 educators.
Benchmark Assessment Systems 1 & 2 Training
In this 2-day training, learn how to use the Benchmark Assessment System to inform your teaching.
Using the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum for In-Person and Remote Learning
In this 2-day institute, learn how to use the Literacy Continuum as a resource when teaching reading and writing in grades K-6 in a remote setting or socially-distanced classroom.
Using the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum for Responsive Teaching
In this 2-day institute, learn how to use the Literacy Continuum as a resource when teaching reading and writing in grades K-6.
The Critical Role of Reading Fluency: Accelerating Learning in the Age of COVID-19
In this 90-minute seminar, gain practical knowledge for observing and teaching fluency in virtual and socially distanced classroom environments.