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Grades K-6

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: Lester Laminack

January 11, 2021

Join Lester Laminack for this one-day workshop to learn how to broaden students’ view of the world through diverse literature and shared read aloud experiences.

The Critical Role of Reading Fluency: Accelerating Learning in the Age of COVID-19

December 11, 2020

In this 90-minute seminar, gain practical knowledge for observing and teaching fluency in virtual and socially distanced classroom environments.

Assessment from Afar: Strategies for Assessing Readers, Writers, and Speakers Remotely

August 20, 2020

In this 1-hour complimentary webinar, examine authentic ways to assess students’ reading, writing, and speaking strengths and needs in a remote work setting or in a socially-distanced classroom.

Literacy for All Annual Conference

August 5, 2020

Nationally renowned literacy and Reading Recovery conference for PreK-8 educators.

Literacy Collaborative Training

June 18, 2020

Training is held online through a combination of live, interactive sessions and on-demand learning. Participants apply what they learn and receive job-embedded coaching from Lesley University faculty as part of their coursework.

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series

June 18, 2020

This series is designed to confront social injustices that contribute to the race- and poverty-related opportunity gap by promoting access and equity for all children through literacy.

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: Summer Literacy Institute with Kass & Cornelius Minor

June 18, 2020

Enroll to take an in-depth look at how reading identity intersects with racial, gender, and class identity.

Using the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum for In-Person and Remote Learning

June 17, 2020

In this 2-day institute, learn how to use the Literacy Continuum as a resource when teaching reading and writing in grades K-6 in a remote setting or socially-distanced classroom.

Benchmark Assessment Systems 1 & 2 Training

June 17, 2020

In this 2-day training, learn how to use the Benchmark Assessment System to inform your teaching.

Introduction to Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ for In-Person and Remote Learning

June 16, 2020

This 2-day training introduces a system for teaching students that creates authentic experiences in reading, thinking, talking, writing, and reflecting.

Upcoming Professional Development

February 11-12, 2025

Early Literacy Success: Building Language, Sounds, and Print Knowledge in PreK

Children in PreK come to school with many different experiences with language, sounds, and print. This two-day workshop will bring to life what very young learners need to know and understand about letters, sounds, and words and how you can support their learning by building on what they already understand.

$595 includes professional text
January 9, 2025

Early Literacy Success: Building Language, Sounds, and Print Knowledge in PreK (Webinar)

This session will focus on how to provide rich, engaging experiences with language, sounds, and print in the PreK classroom.

Complimentary Webinar
February 11-12, 2025

Quick Tips for Test Prep: Supporting Your Students for Success! 

Are you working to support your students to excel on standardized tests? In this 2-day training, learn how to deepen students’ understanding of the demands of standardized tests so they can respond confidently and successfully!


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