The Minors have designed a few frameworks and strategies to make the work doable and supportive for all people involved in literacy learning
Culture & School Improvement
Literacy Collaborative 2021 Virtual Cohort
The 2021 Literacy Collaborative cohort will be held online through a combination of live, interactive sessions and on-demand learning. Participants apply what they learn and receive job-embedded coaching from Lesley University faculty as part of their coursework.
Case Study: William Ellery Channing Elementary School
Learn more about the Channing School’s partnership with the Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative began in 2014 when the school was identified by the Massachusetts Department of Education as a turnaround school.
The Softer Side of School Improvement
Soft data is a powerhouse for improvement because it gives an authentic, real-time look at what educators and students understand and can do.
Assuring Access and Equity in Early Childhood: Harnessing the Power of Diversity
It is our collective responsibility to continue to advocate for early childhood classrooms. These environments assure the opportunities for children to experience the imagination, wonder, and joy of childhood and develop the confidence and agency that every child deserves.