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Headshot of Wendy Vaulton

Wendy Vaulton

Associate Director for Reading Recovery & Early Interventions

What I like most about my role within the Center is…

I love working with teachers and school leaders to help them find new ways to use all kinds of data to support improvement. A big part of my role is to help build capacity to measure and monitor change in ways that are meaningful and useful to the people doing the work. I get to learn about schools in their own context and then help them set goals and create systems to monitor their progress. As if that isn’t enough, I then get to step back and work with amazing colleagues to consider how the lessons learned in one context may support others. I have the greatest job at the Center.

What I believe in

I believe in writing in the margins, dog-earing the pages, and savoring every word.

Previous work highlights

Before joining the Center, my work primarily focused in the area of homelessness. I worked as an evaluator on several projects seeking to end chronic homelessness for adults and families. Through those projects, I was able to support stakeholders across diverse and complex systems of care including hospitals, housing, education, and employment as they tried to improve, adapt, and learn.

Favorite book

The Age of Innocence, by Edith Wharton

Fun fact

Bananas are berries but strawberries aren’t.


Ph.D. from Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy and Management

illustration with clip art

Featured Blog Posts

February 18, 2025 Wendy Vaulton, Associate Director for Reading Recovery & Early Interventions

Bridging Languages and Building Literacy: Helping Multilingual Learners Thrive

Multilingual learners are taking on the dual challenge of learning a new language while also acquiring literacy. By taking small, intentional steps, teachers can effectively bridge the gap between students’ current knowledge and the new skills they are developing, creating a solid foundation for their literacy growth.

February 12, 2025 Melanie Meehan, Guest Speaker

AI for Educators

How do we leverage AI’s capabilities to improve educational processes, and also maintain the human elements of teaching and learning? Our next Reaching All Learners Guest Speaker, Melanie Meehan, has some tips.

February 5, 2025 Gen Arcovio, Literacy Trainer

Planting the Seeds of Literacy: Cultivating Learning in PreK Centers

Teaching children how to use books and other literacy resources in play centers helps children naturally integrate the use of print, writing, and new vocabulary into their natural flow of play.