Featured Professional Learning Opportunities
Phonics and Vocabulary Instruction in Intermediate Grades
3-8Learn to teach your students how to use syllabication and their understandings of morphology (the meaning of word parts) to read and comprehend text.
Leading for Literacy: What Every School Leader Needs to Know
K-6In this 4-day training for school principals and administrators, learn how to support literacy teaching in grades K–6. Learn how to improve student literacy outcomes by developing a coherent vision for literacy and a vibrant school culture that supports teamwork and continuous professional learning.
Over 30 Years of Academic Excellence in Literacy Learning
The Center for Reading Recovery & Literacy Collaborative at Lesley University has been engaged in thirty years of innovative, research-based, system-wide educational improvement efforts. We are focused on a single mission—to ensure that every child has the opportunity to live a literate life.
We have been working with educators in school systems to improve children’s literacy.
Featured Blog Posts
Planting the Seeds of Literacy: Cultivating Learning in PreK Centers
Teaching children how to use books and other literacy resources in play centers helps children naturally integrate the use of print, writing, and new vocabulary into their natural flow of play.
Literacy Coaching Toward Teacher Empowerment and Resilience
Observations and four key ideas that emerged from a group of experienced literacy coaches who brainstormed ways to work toward fostering teacher empowerment in the new year.
Reaching All Learners by Partnering Thoughtfully With Families
The next speaker in our Reaching All Learners Series, Nawal Qarooni, offers three tips on how to collaborate in meaningful ways with the families of our students.