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Grades K-8

Effective Literacy Coaching

March 15, 2022

In this 10-day training designed for literacy coaches, instructional leaders, teacher leaders, and administrators, learn how to better understand your role and how to coach teachers at your school.

Guided Reading: Responsive Teaching in Grades 3-8

March 11, 2022

In this 5-day training for teachers and literacy educators, learn how to plan and teach effective small group, differentiated instruction lessons in intermediate and middle school classrooms.

Intervening for Success: Getting Results with the Lowest Achieving First Graders

February 24, 2022

Learn more about leveraging state, federal, and local dollars for effective intervention to improve schools, communities, and the lives of children.

Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Systems 1 & 2 Seminar

February 24, 2022

In this 2-day training, learn how to use the Benchmark Assessment System to inform your teaching.

Joyful Beginnings in PreK & Kindergarten: Play Based Language & Literacy Learning

February 22, 2022

In this 2-day training, explore how to create a playful, literacy-rich prekindergarten or kindergarten classroom.

Leading for Literacy: Part Two

February 21, 2022

In this 2-day intensive seminar, build on your previous work from the 4-day Leading for Literacy seminar (School Leaders Seminar) with central office and school-based educators.

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: 2022 Summer Literacy Institute

November 22, 2021

Register for this four-day Summer Literacy Institute, featuring Liz Kleinrock!

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: Gholdy Muhammad

November 22, 2021

Join us for a one-day workshop with Gholdy Muhammad.

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series: Chris Hass

November 22, 2021

Join us for the first event in our Kids, Books, and Anti-Racism series.

Kids, Books & Anti-Racism Series 2022

November 22, 2021

This series is designed to deepen your understanding of how to cultivate anti-bias and anti-racist practices in classrooms and schools.

Upcoming Professional Development

February 11-12, 2025

Early Literacy Success: Building Language, Sounds, and Print Knowledge in PreK

Children in PreK come to school with many different experiences with language, sounds, and print. This two-day workshop will bring to life what very young learners need to know and understand about letters, sounds, and words and how you can support their learning by building on what they already understand.

$595 includes professional text
January 9, 2025

Early Literacy Success: Building Language, Sounds, and Print Knowledge in PreK (Webinar)

This session will focus on how to provide rich, engaging experiences with language, sounds, and print in the PreK classroom.

Complimentary Webinar
February 11-12, 2025

Quick Tips for Test Prep: Supporting Your Students for Success! 

Are you working to support your students to excel on standardized tests? In this 2-day training, learn how to deepen students’ understanding of the demands of standardized tests so they can respond confidently and successfully!


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