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Literacy Coaches and Teacher Leaders
Literacy Coaching and Teacher Leadership
Join us for a free webinar to learn about the impact that coaching can have on the professional learning community in your school.
34th Annual Literacy for All Conference
Nationally renowned literacy and Reading Recovery conference for PreK-8 educators.
Intervening for Success: Getting Results with the Lowest Achieving Students
Learn about supporting the accelerated learning of the lowest achieving students in your school or district.
Guided Reading: Differentiating Literacy Instruction in Grades 3-8
In this 8-week online graduate course for teachers and literacy educators, learn how to plan and teach effective small group, differentiated instruction lessons in intermediate and middle school classrooms.
Intentional Teaching in a Writers’ Workshop for Grades K-2
In this 8-week online graduate course for K-2 teachers, learn how writers’ workshops can develop student writing fluency.
Literacy Collaborative Training
Training is held online through a combination of live, interactive sessions and on-demand learning. Participants apply what they learn and receive job-embedded coaching from Lesley University faculty as part of their coursework.
Phonics and More: Science-Aligned Literacy Teaching and Learning
In this summer literacy institute, examine the art and science of literacy teaching and learning.
Introduction to Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™
This 2-day training introduces a system for teaching students that creates authentic experiences in reading, thinking, talking, writing, and reflecting in all classroom settings.
Introduction to Writing Minilessons Grades K-4
In this 2-day training, learn how to use Writing Minilessons: Your Every Day Guide for Literacy Teaching by Fountas & Pinnell to provide high quality lessons in management, craft, conventions and writing process.
Intentional Teaching in a Readers’ Workshop for Grades 3-8
In this 8-week online graduate course for grades 3-8 teachers, learn the purpose, organization, and process of a readers’ workshop.