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Headshot of Heather Rodman

Heather Rodman

Literacy Trainer

What I like most about my role within the Center is…

Working with teachers. I love working, thinking, and reflecting with teachers about their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about teaching and learning.

What I believe in

Teachers! Teachers are the instructional decision makers in classrooms. They are the ones who make a difference in the world. I believe that every teacher is an agent of change. There is nothing more powerful than a group of teachers thinking, talking, and reflecting about their instructional practices.

Previous work highlights

PreK – 4th grade teacher for 18 years
Literacy Coach
Leveled Literacy Intervention Instructor

Favorite book

My Name is Asher Lev, by Chaim Potok

Fun fact

I was a high school crew coach for 10 years.


Central Connecticut State University

illustration with clip art

Featured Blog Posts

February 5, 2025 Gen Arcovio, Literacy Trainer

Planting the Seeds of Literacy: Cultivating Learning in PreK Centers

Teaching children how to use books and other literacy resources in play centers helps children naturally integrate the use of print, writing, and new vocabulary into their natural flow of play.

January 23, 2025 Cindy Downend, Associate Director of Literacy Programs

Literacy Coaching Toward Teacher Empowerment and Resilience 

Observations and four key ideas that emerged from a group of experienced literacy coaches who brainstormed ways to work toward fostering teacher empowerment in the new year.

January 6, 2025 Nawal Qarooni, Guest Speaker

Reaching All Learners by Partnering Thoughtfully With Families 

The next speaker in our Reaching All Learners Series, Nawal Qarooni, offers three tips on how to collaborate in meaningful ways with the families of our students.