All Kinds of Books for All Kinds of Kids K-6 (One-Hour Webinar with Irene Fountas)

Reaching All Learners
Invest in your text expertise to plan for high-quality reading instruction that addresses all aspects of effective reading for all children.
- Classroom Teachers & Interventionists
- Literacy Coaches & Teacher Leaders
- District & School Leadership
When you understand the characteristics of different kinds of books and their purposes in a high-quality instructional program, you can make expert text decisions that enable every learner to build their knowledge and reading competencies across the grades. Learn about high-quality texts for whole group, small group, and individual instruction so you can assure opportunities for all children to become confident, competent readers.
Topics will include:
- Beginning with the child
- Culturally relevant and sustaining texts
- Complex texts
- Leveled texts A-B
- Leveled texts C-Z
- Decodable texts
- Texts for read-aloud, shared, independent choice reading
- Mentor texts
- Texts for re-reading
Irene Fountas, Director
Irene is the Marie M. Clay Endowed Chair in Early Literacy and Reading Recovery and is the author of many books. She is director of the Center for Reading Recovery in the Graduate School of Education at Lesley University. She has been a classroom teacher, language arts specialist, and consultant in school districts across the nation and abroad. Irene and co-author Gay Su Pinnell have published numerous books and resources with Heinemann. She has received numerous awards for her contributions to literacy.
Registration Deadline
The registration portal closes on Tuesday, August 6 at 3:00pm (EST).