Using the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum for Responsive Teaching

Develop and expand your knowledge of how to teach reading, writing, and phonics and word solving using the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum.
In this 2-day institute, learn how to use the Literacy Continuum as a resource when teaching reading and writing about reading in grades K-6.
- Classroom Teachers, Interventionists & Specialists
- Literacy Coaches & Teacher Leaders
- Includes the professional text, The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum
- Literacy Collaborative Affiliation Discount available
The Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum, written by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, is the foundation for coherence in literacy instruction at each grade level across the elementary school. In this institute, you’ll learn how to use the Continuum as a resource when teaching reading, writing, and phonics and word-solving in grades K-6.
Learn how to use this tool to enhance your understanding of literacy development. Each student develops their competencies as they read and write. When you and your colleagues use this common tool, you develop a common vision, language, and goals that benefit every student and assure instructional coherence across the grades.
Course Outcomes
- Observe and analyze reading and writing behaviors to inform teaching
- Use the Literacy Continuum to support the instructional contexts of: Interactive Read Aloud and Book Discussion, Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Writing about Reading and Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study
- Use the Literacy Continuum to plan for and assess the impact of teaching
- Support with using the Literacy Continuum to facilitate remote learning
You’ll earn 12 professional development hours in this training.
Heather Rodman, Literacy Trainer
Prior to joining the Center for Reading Recovery and Literacy Collaborative as a Primary Trainer, Heather was a Kindergarten, first, second, third, and fourth grade classroom teacher in Middletown, CT for 16 years. She was also a Primary Literacy Coordinator for five years where she provided literacy training and coaching to K-5 teachers. In addition, she was a member of the Connecticut Department of Education Common Core State Standards Curriculum Design Team for English Language Arts.
Cancellation Deadline & Refund Policies
You must cancel in writing two weeks before the start of the course to get a refund, minus a $50 processing fee. Email to cancel. If you are unable to attend, you may send a substitute at any time. Regardless of weather conditions, if the event is held but you cannot attend, you will be billed for the full amount.
Registration Deadline & Shipping Policies
The registration portal closes two business days before the first day of training to allow the minimum amount of time to ship training materials.
If you register within two weeks before the registration portal closes, you may incur additional fees for expedited shipping. You may still experience delays in receiving your materials.
Requirements for Participation
After the training, you will receive a certificate of attendance for your participation. To receive a complete certificate, participation during the specified times is required. Additional work may be assigned to meet the professional development hours.
With Your Colleagues Option
We can tailor a professional development training about the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum to your school/district.
This can be delivered in a 2-day training focused on reading, a 2-day training focused on writing/word study, or a 4-day cumulative training. Participants in the group must have access to the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum (Expanded Edition).
This option can be delivered virtually or in-person for a group within your school/district (as COVID-19 social distancing guidelines allow).
Fees & Policies
- Fees are determined by the number of participants and the duration of training.
- If applicable, travel expenses for each trainer (airfare, hotel, meals, and rental car) are an additional cost to be paid by the district.
- Professional development sessions that require extensive travel or overnight stays (if applicable) may incur an additional surcharge.
- If the number of participants exceeds the maximum, another trainer may be needed. This will increase training costs and travel expenses.
- Unless otherwise noted, fees do not include the cost of any required books or materials. The faculty trainer will consult with the district to select books based on the topics and the district’s needs.
- School districts in the same geographic area participating in the same training may combine their resources to meet participant minimums. Payment must be on one district’s purchase order.
For detailed costs, complete our online form to request this training for your school/district and we will contact you.
Interested in professional learning at your school or district? Schedule a meeting with one of our faculty trainers.
“I learned how to skillfully utilize all parts of the Literacy Continuum to create scaffolded and effective intervention.”
Kerry Kagan, Reading Specialist, Dartmouth Public Schools, Massachusetts